Shannon Bolithoe : A Writing Life

Importance of Punctuation

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Punctuation is a crucial aspect of writing that is often overlooked by many, including experienced authors. However, it is vital to remember that punctuation plays a crucial role in enhancing the readability and flow of a novel. Without proper punctuation, a reader may struggle to understand the intended meaning of a sentence, and the overall impact of the narrative may become lost.

Proper punctuation can help the reader to identify the end of a sentence, distinguish between a question and a statement, and understand the tone of a character’s dialogue. Take, for instance, the following sentence:

“I’m sorry I can’t eat with you,” she said.

Now, compare it with:

“I’m sorry, I can’t eat with you,” she said.

The placement of the comma in the second sentence changes the meaning of the sentence altogether. The first sentence implies that the person is sorry but doesn’t want to eat with the listener. In contrast, the second sentence implies that the person is expressing regret for not being able to eat with them.

Inconsistencies with punctuation can lead to confusion and misunderstandings for the reader. For example:

The sentence, “Let’s eat, Grandpa,” is different from, “Let’s eat Grandpa.”

One comma can be the difference between a fun family dinner and a terrifying act of cannibalism!

In addition to improving clarity and creating meaning, good punctuation can also help writers to create a rhythm and flow to their writing. The placement of commas, for instance, can make a sentence longer or shorter, giving it a different pace and cadence.

I believe it is vital for writers to give the appropriate attention to punctuation when crafting a novel. Proper punctuation can make the difference between a polished manuscript and a confusing jumble of words. So remember, next time you are crafting your novel, don’t forget the power of the humble comma!

Author: SBolithoe

Librarian, author, blogger, presenter, history buff and animal lover.

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